National Accountability Bureau
Assisting NAB in conducting investigations against white collar crimes against accused companies, namely Natover Lease & Refinance Limited and its sister concerns (Natover International (Pvt) Limited, Orion Investment (Pvt) Limited and their respective directors including CEO/CFOs etc.

NWFP. Forest Development Corporation
Conducting the audit of accounts of the Head Office, Regional Offices and projects located throughout the province.
NWFP. Forest Development Corporation
Preparation of Fixed Assets Cards/ Registers of the Corporation involving substantial inventory of assets located throughout the province. * Taxation Services on a regular basis since past many years, including processing of refunds worth millions of rupees. * Preparation of Disinvestment Reports in respect of projects intended for disposal by the Corporation, such as HRTF- Haripur Rosin & Turpentine Factory, Haripur and WPPHWood Processing Project, Havelian, wherein also assisting the Provincial

NWFP., Police Welfare Trus
Disinvestment Committee. Preparation of Accounting System & procedures Auditing the accounts of the Trust as well as ongoing projects of the Trust
Agricultural Development Authority
Conducting Audit of accounts and carrying physical stock-taking etc.

NWFP., Small Industries Dev. Board
Audit of the accounts of the Head Office and over 70 projects located throughout the province with consolidation.
Sarhad Development Authority
Head Office as well as all the projects including Industrial Estate, Special Industrial Zones etc. operating under the control and monitoring of Sarhad Development Authority have been audited. Besides, audits of the financial statements pertains various Funds like contributory provident fund, gratuity liabilities etc. have also been taken care.

FATA Development Authority
Audit of Accounts Designing and developing Accounting Manual for the Authority and its projects;
Khyber Teaching Hospitals (KTH)
Internal Audit of the Accounts of the Organization. Computerization of Accounting System and creation of Data Base of the Hospital Activities. Fixed Assets Compilation and preparation of Registers.

Ayub Medical Complex
Audit of Accounts Preparation of Business Plans and Strategic Action Plans
Hayatabad Medical Complex
Audit of Accounts Preparation of Business Plans and Strategic Action Plan

Hayatabad Medical Complex
Audit of Accounts Preparation of Business Plans and Strategic Action Plans
Project Management Unit
Audit of Accounts Feasibility reports on Dehydration Units in KP